Simply put, crypto scifi is a genre that explores a future society that incorporates or has resulted from the widespread use of blockchain technology, particularly crypto currencies like Bitcoin. Because of the blockchain’s decentralized nature, most crypto scifi is likely to fit into the libertarian futurism genre but not all.

Crypto scifi is also a type of soft science fiction since the focus is the economic and social consequences of widespread blockchain use. However, because it takes place in the future, most crypto scifi will likely also feature hard scifi elements and other futuristic technologies.

Dystopia vs Utopia

People interested in blockchains and crypto currency are likely optimistic about it, but as readers and writers of fiction, we have to, one, keep an open mind, and two, explore all aspects of the technology. The society of a crypto scifi story could be a dystopia where blockchain technology represents a liberating savior, but it could also be a dystopia because of blockchain technology. Of course, it could also be an improved society thanks to crypto currency, or the blockchain could merely be a factor in an unrelated conflict faced by the protagonist.

Examples and Inspiration

 To imagine crypto scifi best, consider some examples of premises that may appear in its stories:

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