
Gelbes Elend Press is actively seeking submissions. Send queries to

Gelbes Elend Press is actively seeking submissions in the following categories:

  • Novels and Nonfiction Narratives

    We are looking for novels in any genre including general fiction, romance and mystery, though we have a larger quota for speculative fiction, particularly space opera and dystopian scifi.

  • Children’s Books

    Gelbes Elend is interested in publishing children’s picture books for age ranges roughly 0-8. Available contracts are similar to those for long-form books. Please send the full text of the story along with a sample of the artwork or the completed artwork to

  • Board Games

    Gelbes Elend is interested in publishing board games ranging from basic card games and party games to advanced strategy games.

Web Interactive

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Social Marketing

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Strategic Planning

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Product Branding

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Contract Options


An equity contract is one in which the author receives considerable stock in Gelbes Elend Press as an advance for their novel. We are currently only looking for three or four authors for equity contracts. Equity contracts are only offered for the crypto scifi genre.


A traditional publishing contract involves an “advance” to the author of a lump sum. When the book is published, the author receives a percentage of the sale, a “royalty.” However, the royalties are first used to pay back the advance, after which they go directly to the author.

Gelbes Elend is a small independent press, so our budget for advances is relatively small. However, we can offer attractive royalty percentages thanks to our crowd-funding business model.


Under a cooperative contract, the author receives all proceeds from their works and decides on their own the model under which to sell them. The author merely receives the Gelbes Elend imprint and inclusion in the general marketing campaign as well as a basic review from Gelbes Elend editors. The only stipulation from the contract is that the author be available to edit works from other co-op authors—hence “cooperative.” 

Crypto Scifi

First and foremost, we are looking for three or four creatives to help spearhead this genre. That means you have a full scifi world developed that could produce novels, stories and games. In exchange for collaboration, Gelbes Elend Press is prepared to offer considerable equity in the company.

Other Speculative Fiction

We are looking for novels in any speculative fiction genre including scifi, fantasy and horror. However, we have a particular interest in space opera.


Children’s Books

Gelbes Elend wishes to publish children’s and early-reader books that have potential for large worlds, meaning sequels and games. We prefer children’s books that already have both text and illustration.

Board Games

Gelbes Elend has a special interest in publishing board games. However, please note that we prefer to publish board games based on the world’s of books we also publish. We are open to first publishing a board game if there is the possibility of future novels.

A digital studio crafting beautiful experiences

We're in the World-Building Business

Gelbes Elend’s business model is based around building extensive worlds with crowdfunded elements. For example, a novel may be released initially as a free ebook to promote crowdfunding for a board game in the same world. Ready to let your imagination run wild?